Showing posts with label Basic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basic. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2013

How to View PDF Files on an Android Phone

Android Tutorial : How to View PDF Files on an Android Phone
Android phones are basically the new hand-held computers that you can carry around in your pocket. That being said, there is nothing more frustrating than trying to download something from an email, and being unable to do it.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

More With the introduction of Android

what is android
Android is an operating system for mobile phones based on Linux. Android provides an open platform for developers to create their own applications for use by various devices moving. Initially, Google Inc. bought Android Inc., a newcomer to create software for mobile phones. Then to develop Android, an Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 34 companies, hardware, software and telecommunications, including Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, and NVIDIA.

At the time of the release of Prime Android, November 5, 2007, with the Open Handset Alliance's Android States support the development of open standards on a mobile device. On the other hand, Google released the code – Android code under the Apache license, a software license and open standard mobile device.

In this world there are two types of distributor’s operating system Android. First got full support from Google or Google Mail Services (GMS) and the second is right – free distribution without direct support Google's Open Handset, also known as Distribution (OHD).

In July 2000, in collaboration with Google Android Inc., a company located in Palo Alto, California, United States. The founder of Android Inc. working on Google, of which Andy Ruby, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White. At that time many consider Android Inc. is simply function as software on a cell phone. Since then it appears the rumors that Google was about to enter the mobile phone market. The company Google, Rubin led the team in charge of developing a mobile device that is supported by the Linux kernel. This shows indication that Google is preparing to face competition in the mobile phone market. The latest android version IE version 3.0. Android also has joined with a number of smart mobile devices such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and others.

Around September 2007 a study reporting that Google filed a patent application on a cell phone (finally Google introduced the Nexus One, one type of smartphone using Android on system operations. A cell phone is manufactured by HTC Corporation and is available on the market on January 5, 2010).

On December 9, 2008, it was announced that new members join in the program working Android ARM Holdings, Atheros Communications, manufactured by Asus Computer Inc, Garmin Ltd, Softbank, Sony Ericsson, Toshiba Corp, and Vodafone Group Plc., as the formation of the Open Handset Alliance, the OHA announced their first product, Android, a mobile device is a modified Linux kernel 2.6. Since Android has done a variety of updates released in the form of bug fixes and the addition of new features.

The first phones using the Android operating system was the HTC Dream, which was released on October 22, 2008. At the end of 2009 is estimated to be at least in this world there are 18 types of mobile phones that use Android.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Android phone: Performance & Gaming Guide

Because many are asking about the "performance of android mobile phones", especially gaming, I'll try to make a brief introduction about the aspects that affect the "performance of an Android phone". This post is not intended to make you a 'hero' "Android phone hardware", but just so guide you in reading the spec phone, and match it to your needs.

"Performance of an Android phone" is influenced by three things: CPU, GPU, and RAM.

CPU is responsible as the "brains" of the major mobile phones, process instructions / orders of the application.

CPU performance is affected by: (or, in other words, what you need to consider if you're reading the spec phones)

1. Clock speed (in MHz or GHz) - the faster clock speed was, "more and more" instructions that can be done.

2. Technology (recorded as a processor brand (Scorpion, OMAP) or a brand chipset (OMAP, Qualcomm / Snapdragon, Hummingbird, etc.)) - A great technology that will be more efficient in the number of instructions. The most striking example: Qualcomm 800MHz performance, the new can be considered equivalent to the old 1GHz Qualcomm.
In addition to the efficiency of power consumption levels as well, which found its way into his wasteful batteries.

Unfortunately I know about the order of performance between the brands, because there are a variety of information as well. A clear distinction between TI OMAP, Hummingbird, and Qualcomm (new), you do not need to worry, because its performance nearly equal.

3. Number of cores - the more cores, the more the number of instructions (threads) that can be done at once.

Because the difference is in working together dual core / well, then the effect of presence / absence "dual-core mobile performance in" depends also on the number of applications that you want to multitask, and on whether your applications are programmed specifically for multicore (programmed with multithreading).

CPU affects performance:
1. How smooth user interface / home screen
2. How smooth running applications (including games) on the outside of the 3D aspect. Games that do not use 3D, but a lot of calculations (for example: Angry Birds), more CPU than GPU affected.

GPU can be regarded as a special brain, which works instructions associated with graphic / display.

GPU performance is affected:
1. Fill rate: how quickly he can "draw" to the screen. How much / fast fill rate required depends on the number of screen pixels, frame rate (defaults to 60 fps, CMIIW), the number of colors and transparency.
2. Poly / sec: how fast it can process instructions and issued a "3D model" as a result. How much / fast is required, depending on how complicated / advanced / realistic 3D applications that you wish to run.
3. TBR: TBR if the GPU has a feature, then it will process only the visible objects only, which are not visible will not be processed, making it more efficient.

Because only a few types of GPU on the market, I can direct you list is only:
1. Adreno 200: GPU the most basic mobile phones in circulation today.
FR: 133m - P / S: 22m - No TBR

2. SGX530: GPU that "its 3D capabilities" under Adreno 200, but more efficient (with TBR) and better at handling the phones screen width (or number of colors a lot), so that in practice it is more superior than the Adreno 200.
FR: 500M - P / S: 14M - with TBR

3. Adreno 205: GPU high-end of the line Adreno. Specific data is not there unfortunately, but I read and read said its performance is comparable to SGX535 (not used in Android, the iPhone 3G only), with poly / sec fill rate is good but (still) relatively low compared to the SGX series.

4. SGX540: The most powerful GPU at 1GHz single-core era.
FR: 1G - P / S: 28m - with TBR

GPU performance affect:
1. How smooth 3D applications (including games)
2. How smooth application that uses the 3D accelerator (although there is no aspect of its 3D)

If the CPU (and GPU) is like someone who was working behind the counter, then the RAM can be compared with the size of his desk. The larger the table, then the more work he could face at once, without having to open the cabinet. Alternatively, the greater the paper that he could deal with or are working on.

If the table is too small, then certain jobs will not be handled because the paper was too big.
If the table is too small, then must often commute to the cabinet to swap between the papers at hand and is being stored.

RAM is measured by its size alone (MB or GB).

RAM size affects:
1. How many multitasking applications that can be smoothly without the slightest need to swap memory
2. Applications (large) what can be executed
3. Performance of the phone with a lot of "running background services or apps". Applications that do X every Y minutes (egg: sync), or do X if Z occurs (for example: to reject calls from certain numbers), it will remain running in the background apps.

Conclusion / Summary
For those of you who ask for phone performance, especially for gaming, it seems necessary to clarify again: for what performance? Gaming is like what? Your will be a lot of multitasking or not?

If it will not run applications that use 3D, the GPU does not need too much attention. Even "Adreno 200" in the Galaxy Ace is enough to run the game quite a sophisticated (you try to check on You tube).

If it will not multitasking, then do not need a large RAM (512 is more than enough in my opinion). And if it’s not heavy multitasking (and for not a lot of multithreaded applications are programmed in), dual core processor performance will not change drastically.

If you want a smooth user interface, it is necessary to consider a combination of a processor with a screen size & number of colors (because the Android UI was unfortunately not 3D-accelerated).

So now you already know about how to choose the performance of mobile phones (android in particular) for the game

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Advantages and lack of Android Root

Lack of Root Android:
Lack of Android Root # 1: Get rid of cell phone warranty

Why get rid of rooting Android warranty? Root should be viewed as "warranty seal". Usually like this, when you buy factory-built computer (not a computer assemblies), usually will be equipped with seals or warranty stickers. This seal will usually be broken when we open the computer casing.

If we are to improve the ability of computers, for example by replacing the graphics card with a better computer, automatically we should open the computer casing and automatically will cause the warranty seal. What to disassemble the casing will cause the computer to be broken? Of course not.

However, if there is damage will consume the warranty? It is clear, because the service center to see that the warranty seal has been tampered with and give verdicts that are damaged because the computer is exposed, but damage caused by other factors.

Similar to root Android. If the Android Phone you had errors, such as the speaker does not ring and you bring to the Service Center with the condition including root, then it is possible warranty claims will be rejected and said that phone was damaged by the root, but it is not.

But actually you do not have too worry, warranty seal is different, the root can be reversed or phone returned to initial conditions. This process is called Unroot. If unroot process is done, then the warranty will automatically happen again.

Note: If you want to bring Android phone to service centers, besides doing unroot, should do the factory reset (remove all data and applications are installed)

Lack of Root Android # 2: The peace
Actually for this one is still a debate. Root said that by doing so applications such as virus or Trojan malware can easily enter the file system and do commit theft or destruction of data users.

However, even though phone is actually not in root, when the virus making it "malicious", but even without root, virus applications can easily access the file system.

Gain Root Android:

Profit # 1: It can install applications that Require Root Access

Here are some examples of applications that require root access to the most widely installed:

App2Card and Link2SD: With this application allows users to move all applications to the SD Card.
Titanium Backup: This application is useful for all applications that are installed backup. Not only that, this application also has back up application data like settings (setting-an), etc...
Screenshots Applications: Useful for taking screen shots of the phone screen.
Wi-Fi tether: This application can make phones Android's internet connection sharing via Wi-Fi network. Note: the system Froyo Android 2.2 and above, this application is already installed on your mobile phone. '

Gain # 2: It can install a custom ROM
what is a custom ROM? Custom ROM is a custom Android operating system (alternative) or non-vendor-made mobile. Custom ROM developed by the fan community Android operating system. Note: the root does not mean that you can instantly install a Custom ROM, but most of the Android phone requires root access to install any custom ROM.

Gains # 3: It can make arrangements to maximize performance for mobile phones.

One possible arrangement is over clock the processor. By doing over clock, the processor can be "forced to" work faster than the speed of carrying a whole can improve the performance of mobile phones. However, the processor over clock can shorten life, make more extravagant and quick battery hot and there is also likely cause the system to become unstable.

Gain # 4: Get Uninstall Application Factory Default

by doing the root, we can do uninstall factory default applications that are not useful and only the phone memory. However, if you intend to do this should be careful, because if one uninstall can cause performance to be no perfect phone. Should not be done when not required.

Root Android phone - Conclusion

Android Root process is useful for open access to the Android system. Gain a broad Android root is to have complete control of your mobile phone. The full control when not done carefully can cause damage to the system. So, if you still feel satisfied or quite the ability and facilities owned Android mobile phone, then the root should not need done.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Understanding root android

Android root function is to give full rights to the Android user to enter the Android system. By doing Root, the user can add, subtract or modify files or data that is located on the Android system when the standard state (not root) files are not accessible. If the analogy Windows computer operating system, Android root function is to give administrator rights to users.

What is a Root Android? By doing root Android will not necessarily increase performance or capabilities of Android phones. Rooting Android as an "open door" for you to develop this operating system.

Why Android operating system developers do not give root access from the beginning?

It aims to protect the Android operating system as a whole. If a user inadvertently or intentionally alter or remove one or more file systems, it can cause the performance of mobile phones or tablet becomes unstable, and the most severe damage brick or phone does not turn, therefore limiting the Android developers access to the file system.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

EXCESS Android Gingerbread

EXCESS Android Gingerbread - This post is a follow-up post about the advantages of Android. On this occasion, I will share with my friend about the advantages Android Gingerbread. Android Gingerbread is the latest release of the Android OS, Android 2.3 Gingerbread.

Some of the Latest Android OS Android Gingerbread already using. So what is the advantage of Android Gingerbread?

EXCESS Android Gingerbread
1. NFC (Near-Field Communication)
NFC applications will be available in the Android Gingerbread; this gadget allows manufacturers to make devices that can be used for wireless transactions or electronic wallet.

2. Support to Camera Home
Gingerbread camera application in Android 2.3 already supports the front of the camera since the beginning. This means that manufacturers like HTC, which is one version of the Android phones have two cameras, two cameras can be directly installed on an Android phone.

3. Internet phone
Capability via internet telephony, or Voice over IP, will be supported on the operating system level. No additional application, the user can make VoIP calls, SIP settings of the manual.

4. More Neat appearance
the user interface of Android Gingerbread is said to be even more neat and easy to learn. Improved navigation and visual themes by Google for easy navigation.

5. Application Management
will be available shortcut to an application called Manage Applications. Here the user can see how much memory is absorbed by each of the applications currently running.

6. Faster Text Input
Gingerbread promised Android keyboard will be better, with some changes in location and shape. In addition there is a typo fixing ability by default dictionary.

7. Copy Paste
The ability to choose (select) and then do the Copy, Cut or Paste in the Gingerbread getting better. How to use Apple's similar to that performed on the IOS, complete with a marker that can be shifted before copying.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Terms that you often find in android (you need to know)

Android Apparently there is little resemblance to the BB in a way to install the application. Quite complicated because the first known Android phone. As usual, I immediately signed up to become a member of the Android forum site. Then get to know first what it is Android, the features of Android, its history and so on

I want to try to share Android terms are often used on android phones:

Android APK == Package, the same as, the iPhone IPA (for iPhone users), SIS on Symbian s60, or JAR in the Blackberry (for Blackberry users) and other java based devices.. Essentially, these files extension. Apk... can be used to install the application on android device...

BRICK (ed) == condition in which the device could not be recovered, so it can be considered as a brick (brick) that can be used to throw the dog...

adb command = command liaison for the android through a pc .. If adb shell including the extension of his command adb... there are many, like adb push, pull adb, adb install etc ... requirements can walk = adb driver must be installed on the pc ... usually in the device manager (windows) will look android composite device adb, adb driver usually from his device maker vendor .. if nexus, htc magic, dream could use the default USB driver Motorola milestone ... that could be of his innate Cd or using Motorola software update ...

adb.exe = can be taken from the SDK (already include in the android sdk) .. there are tools on the folder, to find out the adb command function can with typing "adb help"

adb shell logcat = to know the process that occurs in android, useful when experiments flashing rom ...

IMAP = Internet Message Access Protocol, a protocol to retrieve POP3 email in addition to

POP3 = Post Office Protocol 3, one of the protocol TCP / IP port 110 in the draw email

Widget = one application that was more interactive GUI

GUI = Graphical User Interface, application interfaces that are more graphic (picture?)

GMS = Google Market Services, where its application download on Android (like the iPhone apps store, appworld on BB)

Root = super user on any OS (in this case Android)
root = process to change the privilage of a normal user to become root

Apps2SD = The process of moving / save the application to the SDcard in addition to
internal memory,

AOSP = Android Open Source Project,

Boot = The process of turning the handheld,

Boot loader = combined "SPL and IPL" which became the basis of a device,

Boot loader Mode - fast boot load = Power + Camera button, the mode
This boot, we can install a system image that is / placed
on SDcard by pressing the Power button again,

Cache SD = The process of moving / save the Cache from ROM to SDCARD,

Diagnostic Mode = Capture + Power button. Boot mode to test (with
volume keys to select an item),

Normal Mode: turn on the handheld normal way,

OTA: Over the Air, a method sent data, usually the term
used to update the activity (other wording may be downloaded),

Recovery Mode: Home + Power button, the boot mode, we can
open-shell flash image...  Backup and Restore makes. Press

Safe Mode: Menu + Power buttons, handheld boot normally but
without registration with Google, so that applications relating
with it will not work (Map, Gmail account, Market, etc.)

Firmware / ROM
Collection of all software, system, driver and boot files needed to run the Android OS

Flash / Flashing
Method in place to upgrade the ROM Firmware...

Management of all system drivers and system I / O, so that they can interact with each other.

A touch screen feature that allows the screen to capture more than a touch input.

Condition in which the android device can not be used anymore, due to an error when flashing firmware, or because of physical damage

file system used by Linux kernel, it's like FAT, FAT32 in windows

A trial version, which means it IS NOT PERFECT