Wednesday, July 3, 2013

ASUS Fonepad Android Tab 7 inch user review

Android Tab 7 inch
We have found three people prepared extensively to test the ASUS Fonepad here is tested in the first part how the ASUS Fonepad functions as smartphone and tablet replacement. In the second part, each has its own specific mission inherited. Read the experiences.

1. as a father (future?) You surely want to capture all the beautiful moment, how does it work with the Fonepad?

Hereby I had as a young father discuss how the Fonepad complies with regard to the camera, the screen and the ASUS software. I've looked, but I also want to use to get a superfan.

Dropbox filled with all the pictures of the newborn boy. The most beautiful photos made available online through vvan 'folder sync. A few minutes clicking ASUS Story app to create a slick photo album and we were ready to go. Grandparents for the first visit

The ASUS Story app works really well. You can quickly create a photo album by ticking in different folders the photos. After you have the choice to show it. Every 1, 2, 3, 4 or any other number using swipe as you go through all the photos to show them. This is very intuitive and has the advantage that you do not have to watch as someone else browsing your gallery go if he does not end up in other pictures. I have so different 'albums' made for different 'groups', family, friends, and colleagues.

When grandparents were first viewed the small and then had the Fonepad was to go. Grandma had him quickly and was about to click to find the pictures of the little man. On appointment, the story app open and then they hit themselves on the "family" button. Together with grandpa she began to take all the photos by and found everything just as beautiful. Eventually the opinion that we had a cloud of a son and that he's already doing great and is photogenic.

The Fonepad remained in the hands of grandma and I let her have her way. After just half an hour sweet and had not looked at or they got up and started the little man all the way to photograph and made short movies with Fonepad. She sat back and let me see a little later proudly made a new album in the story-app. And she went on again. Grandpa sat with the little guy to play and grandmother sat in the Fonepad, cozy about visiting your parents where you have to get the coffee yourself!

The judgment of grandmother was that she no longer wanted to give the Fonepad and that I should make sure that every day new pictures came, she would record. Myself in the correct album I was stunned and thought, but then maybe I could bridge a generation gap here and my parents the digital age I could draw more. After I removed the SIM card out (and its there) we are back on home made and even before we got home I got a whatsapp of my mother! It turned out my brother with the text: "What have you done! Is fond of all your photos. Your brother '.

A week later they came to visit us and had the grandmother Fonepad with him. I asked how it went along and she was very proud of her 'tablet'. I had to watch all the new album. She indicated that the camera was not too good, but worked fine for nice pictures. The screen she found in bright indoor use, but with a short demo of the 'outdoor' button and the automatic brightness across the screen, she was also very satisfied. And they said you could tell that this was a top high-definition screen!

In short I lost my Fonepad to my mother and who has the Fonepad always around her grandson, and now also countless other things, to let everyone see in her handbag through the ASUS Story app. She loves the camera and the screen moderately great.

Thanks for letting us use the ASUS Fonepad!
2. What are your experiences with the Fonepad during lectures, study and relax?
My second assignment with the Asus Fonepad is about my eraringen with the unit during lectures, study and relaxes. For this assignment I have my Asus Transformer TF300 one week replaced by Fonepad.

During lectures
during lessons I used mainly made of the PDF reader and the included Super Note app. Courses that were available in PDF on the Fonepad I could follow as during class without that much to thick stack of paper. Besides I used Super Note for my notes, with it you can make written notes or drawings with ordinary typed notes. To have turn out to be there. Many benefits after one week Fonepad in class You make your notes and with an app like Dropbox, these readily available on all your other devices and you can also easily share them with others.

Course, these lessons also studied and also there is the Fonepad a useful addition, you have all your courses, notes and other documents at your fingertips.

besides the study is definitely needed relaxation and this can very well with the Fonepad. Watch movies, play games, internet, all go very well on this tablet. Through its HD screen he gives the films very good and sharp again, and the 7 inch screen is then the ideal size to keep games in hand. For heavier games is the Fonepad then again not really fit the single-core Intel chip.
after having a week the ASUS Fonepad used during lessons are my experiences with the device very well. The included apps are very useful during lessons and study right is therefore also a very good device for relaxation. The 7-inch size is also convenient to take anywhere and the small folding tables in the auditorium.

3. How does Fonepad in your profession? He can take a beating?
Way as the truck driver is Fonepad pleased me very well. Have a navigation app installed and am really impressed with the GPS! High-speed connections (except in tunnels) never disappeared; I can not beat my Note2 absolutely! Fine format anyway, the 7-inch screen navigation system!

It is monotonous but also the 3G connections were very good, the usual way-opened apps quickly and easily. The connection with the, in my truck, Bluetooth radio went so smoothly hands free mode was no problem. Since my employer hires technical installations to customers throughout the country, it is also my job to spot. Damages, defects and problems related to note and pass to be repaired. The 3 megapixel camera conforms well before, and what a relief to turn to the relevant departments! These emails using the much larger 7 inch screen

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