Friday, May 4, 2012

Way of hiding files in android phone

Way of hiding files in android phone
Have a confidential file and want to hide in android phone without having to remove it if did not want to get caught.

File is referred to here can be images, video and so on.

As usual or as we know when we opened the gallery, it would appear our files we have stored. We can make it appear in the gallery. How do I? Follow the steps below:

1. Use a file manager that is on your android phone.

2. Create a new folder, create folders for file storage that we ought to be.

3. Name the folder with the prefix point, for example. .Secret .Hidden and so forth.

4. Having formed a new folder, move the file to the desired earlier. Secret earlier.

5. After that look at what happened when we opened the gallery, to be sure the files we wish to hide will not appear again in the gallery.

Congratulations, you have a bias to hide files on your favorite android!

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