Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Galaxy Note: Avoid PINK SPOT tips

Samsung Galaxy Note
 Samsung Galaxy Note: Slice of Defects check and avoid PINK SPOT tips

- Point the camera to a white screen. (Easy to photograph a white wall)
- Keep the daytime.
- See the center display; is there a faint pink color?
Avoid PINK SPOT tips:
- Photo / image capture enough light in the area, or if the area is less light enough, Quicken flash

Regarding the Pink Spot:
Some people, think "pink spot" is not a problem, since all this happened in the "camera hardware the module", which is slightly less good lens makes this issue, almost all users' Samsung Galaxy Note "experience this problem, so chances are if the camera is in replace the results will remain the same / no change. Except specifications Samsung camera replacing the module (e.g. using a better lens construction).

But some people also argue that not all " Samsung Galaxy Note " having problems "Pink Spot", so the decision is in your hands each, if you think pink spot is a defect then try to claim to "Samsung Service Center". And prepare yourself that “Galaxy Note “you have to be in repair.

- Visit your nearest Samsung Service Center, said the availability of parts for “Galaxy Note ".
- Part ready working directly with the 30-1 hour / 1 day.
- Part is not ready, to indent, part coming in contact asks.
- Make sure your device is in a "STOCK firmware (DXKK1 *)" no icon "Super User"
- For those who bought at authorized distributors can claim (max 2-3 days of purchase) replace the existing units from the previous agreement.

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