Saturday, May 4, 2013

5 WhatsApp alternatives

5 WhatsApp alternatives
WhatsApp has been a very popular messenger service that allows sending messages. And media from the internet meanwhile, there are millions of users worldwide, but there are some good alternatives. We have put five in a row for you.

XMS is an application of the Dutch company eBuddy and has already a reasonable group of users. eBuddy is more extensive than WhatsApp and much attention was paid to the appearance thereof. It is also possible to send via PC or Mac, so if you just do not have a smartphone at hand, then also send and receive messages through your browser. Posts

MessageMe is still relatively new, and like the other applications on multiple platforms available. Here again, sufficient attention to the appearance of the application. The app looks good and is made in Android Style. As you would expect, it is also possible smiles, pictures and send with MessageMe videos.

Kik Messenger
According to the makers of Kik there are already more than 50 million users and this is the fastest and simplest messenger application available for smartphones. Kik Messenger does not use numbers, but this username and claims to ensure privacy. Of course it is also possible with Kik to share with friends and acquaintances. Photographs, videos (with backup kicker, thanks Quinten) and other information

Facebook Messenger
Facebook Messenger perhaps speaks for itself and there are now many people who use this messenger service. A Facebook account is (as yet) required to use and messages can be sent via the application, but also via Facebook on PC or Mac. The disadvantage is of course that as the popularity of Facebook will take off, also Facebook Messenger users will get less and less active.

LINE: Free Calls & Messages
LINE has 94 million users across 230 countries so this messenger is not negligible. LINE is also a very extensive messenger client and well endowed when it comes to 'stickers', and 'emoticons'. Perhaps LINE possibly the most extensive client from this list, definitely worth a try. Worth

Daaaag WhatsApp
Many of the above applications are potentially better than WhatsApp, but they lack an essential thing, friends, acquaintances and family who also use it. WhatsApp was one of the first popular mobile messenger apps and although it is certainly not the most comprehensive and best application, there is a great following, also in the Netherlands. A switch is only to consider if all contacts also switch. Will you try other applications than WhatsApp? Whether you stay in the good old WhatsApp, even if there will soon be paid for?

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