Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Owncloud apps for Android and iOS

ownCloud provides mobile apps for Android and iOS

apps for Android and iOS
Effective immediately, the file sharing and file synchronization software ownCloud also be used on mobile devices with native apps. The corresponding apps for Android and iOS are available from Google and play in Apple's App Store.

ownCloud is an alternative to cloud storage services like Dropbox or With the software solution on open-source basis to private and business addresses, dates, pictures, share office, video and audio files and to synchronize the store on your hard disk or at a hosting provider. So that they can at any time, anywhere and on any device - and still retain full control over all their digital content.

So far, the users to their files to either the platform-independent Web client or the client ownCloud access, which is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. The new native apps for Android and iOS now allowing the use of relevant data on popular smartphone and Tablet PCs. the new apps include the searching of files and folders on the server, downloading and editing files on the mobile device, delete files and creating folders.

The ownCloud apps are now available on Google and play the iTunes Store for € 0.79 each for subscription.

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