Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Android App: Block unwanted phone in Android

Block unwanted phone in Android
If you want to block a phone number, you should first consider whether it is locked or normal phone number. If it is a normal phone, it can be the number as a contact and the contact information on the menu button. You'll come to an option menu where you can check the phone number you want to send directly to your voicemail. If you have to stand out, so the caller can not reach you. If you have a voicemail, the caller can still leave voice messages voicemail. With HTC you can run this by long pressing on a contact and then 'block' button.

A locked phone is more difficult to block. Thereby blocking all blocked numbers, sometimes even government agencies or other companies may have. If you still blocked phone number block, it is best to install the free app Easy filter. In EasyFilter you can control who you can call and which phone numbers are blocked.