Wednesday, May 16, 2012

With Android 5.0 Google is planning five new Nexus devices

Google is changing its strategy in the Nexus range. Instead of using a premium partner of the Internet Company wants to continue working with several partners to reference Android smartphone and Tablet PCs. According to the U.S. newspaper Wall Street Journal is, therefore, expected sometime this year with five new Nexus devices.

All devices are already underway with the next version of Android 5.0, code-named Jelly Bean and the Wall Street Journal; according to the U.S. for Thanksgiving 22nd November appear. As a partner of Samsung, Asus, HTC, Sony and Motorola are traded. For some time there were rumors of work that Asus and Google together to a Nexus tablet. The former partner of the Nexus smartphone from HTC and Samsung were Google. Finally, the Fanblog Sammobile evidence of renewed cooperation between Samsung and Google had found.

Also, a partnership with Motorola is very likely: The Motorola Xoom was the reference for the tablet to Tablet PCs optimized version of "Android 3.0 Honeycomb". Moreover, in the moment Google is about to take over Motorola. The acquisition must still approve competition watchdog. As other potential partners, according to the Wall Street Journal are ZTE and Huawei.

Against fragmentation
all partners in Google's Nexus program can send up to a dozen employees at the Google campus in Mountain View, this work onsite with the Android development team at an early stage and get access to the source code for future versions of Android. The devices to be sold directly via a Google shop on the Internet - a strategy that failed but the first Google phone Nexus One.

According to sources, the newspaper wants to cut through the new Google Nexus strategy to influence the network operator on"Android devices" and Apple's rival set primarily in tablet area under pressure. This is not as successful as Android in the smartphone market. The new strategy is also the fragmentation of Android devices is limited and the release of updates accelerates.

The problem of Android fragmentation has created the Company Open Signal Maps currently in a clear graphic. Open Signal Maps observed for six months around 680,000 Android users. The data to the company, using the user has nearly 4,000 different device configurations.

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