Saturday, May 5, 2012

Android: Upgrade V6 Supercharger

This super charger in it a lot of script to "tweak android" us. but we will discuss V6 supercharger is about optimizing the android that not lag anymore ...

Download: Download V6 superchanger
after download, the next steps:

• rename it, ". Pdf" behind it deleted> let me be. "Sh" behind
• Step use the terminal emulator:
1. place the script in the "sdcard /"

2. rename script so the name short and simple, for example. direction so rename ""

3. into the terminal emulator, type
su <enter>
cd sdcard / <enter>
sh <enter>
the script will run.

4. will be the way the script, select 1 for the fast.

5. Later there is a menu option 21 1-31 .. >> type >> select yes.

6. then select the option no.6, there is a command to reboot select yes <enter>

If stuck in the boot animation, pull the battery and plug it again, turn on his mobile phone
1. After HH live, open a terminal emulator again .. type:
su <enter>
cd sdcard / <enter>
sh <enter>
the script will run.

2. 1-31 later in the option menu, type 18 (Engine Flush) type Y (yes)

3. type 20 (Nitro Lag Nullifier) continue to type 1 (install).

4. type 29 (restart your engine), then will reboot automatically.

Tested GALMIN all rom

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