Thursday, September 19, 2013

Galaxy S3 Freeze - Here a solution to overcome the galaxy s3 freeze

Galaxy S3
Galaxy S3 is the many who get freeze?
open Facebook freeze, turn on wifi / mobile data freeze, and so on

Like the already known with SDS and freeze problems, likely because the internal memory in the Samsung Galaxy S3 is no bugs (defect-some sort of bad sectors), with a "dummy file generator" will write in broken places, and when the dummy is removed, place exposed Bad Sector not deleted. Freeze occurs when writing applications in place Bad Sector. Since it was closed by a dummy, it would not be writing the app in the "Bad Sector" and safe is our Galaxy s3 of the freeze.

The trick, "install dummy file generator" of play store. Empty us to empty the internal memory of 8 GB, Ensure that the battery is full, "generate full dummy file" her. When we generate Galaxy S3 will freeze, let it not be forced to die, that he again wrote in his bad sectors, he'll own the road again. When generate dummy, can freeze 1 hour. Once full, remove the dummy. Repeat the process until it generates dummy HH we no freeze, I got up to 7x

after that, the Galaxy s3 is never freeze again.

This way I have tried on Samsung galaxy s3 I9300...
For another series that I have not tried, but the possibility of the same